Pricing Tiers

Essential Plan

Perfect for those looking to explore the capabilities of AIgentX, the Essential plan offers an affordable one-time payment option of 0.5 ETH. It includes AIgentX branding and provides all the basic features needed to get started with our AI assistant.

Pro Plan

Geared towards professionals aiming to grow their vision, the Pro plan is priced at 0.5 ETH with an additional monthly cost of 0.2 ETH. This plan removes AIgentX branding, offering a more personalized experience for users who need a professional touch in their AI interactions.

Exclusive Plan

Tailored for enterprises seeking a fully customized solution, the Exclusive plan, priced at 5 ETH plus 1 ETH per month, delivers a bespoke AI solution crafted to meet the unique demands of your business. This top-tier plan ensures that all your specific requirements are addressed, with dedicated support to ensure seamless integration and performance.

Last updated